Fasting periods 2024

Fasting Periods 2024

For many individuals around the world, the months spanning from February to May mark a period of spiritual reflection and observance, intertwined with fasting practices deeply rooted in their respective religions. As we embrace diversity and inclusivity in our workplaces and communities, it’s essential to understand and respect these traditions as many staff and service users will observe a period of fasting. During this period, they may not eat during specific times or have a restricted diet at all times.

For 2024 the dates are:


For Christians, Lent symbolizes a time of penance and preparation leading up to Easter. Commencing on February 14th this year, the 40-day period of fasting and abstinence traditionally begins on Ash Wednesday, six and a half weeks before Easter, concluding on March 28th. During Lent, many Christians undertake various forms of sacrifice and self-discipline as they reflect on the significance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.


In the Islamic faith, Ramadan stands as the holiest month, marked by fasting from dawn until sunset. It begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon.  Beginning on the 10th of March, adherents abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours, focusing on prayer, reflection, and community. The culmination of Ramadan, celebrated on the 9th of April, brings Eid al-Fitr, a joyous festival known as the “Feast of Fast-Breaking”, which is one of the two major religious holidays of the Muslim calendar, where families and communities come together in celebration and gratitude.

Orthodox Christian Fasting

Orthodox Christians also adhere to a period of fasting, mirroring the 40-day Lenten observance. Starting on the 18th of March and concluding at midnight on the 4th of May this year, adherents follow strict dietary guidelines and engage in increased prayer and introspection.