Winter Vaccine Information

As a health or social care worker, getting your winter vaccines helps to protect you and those you care for against serious illness. NHS Scotland recommends you get your vaccines as soon as they are offered to you. Social Care Alba are here to help keep you and those we care for safe.

Don’t let your protection fade this winter. Find out what you’re eligible for and how to arrange your vaccination appointment.


  • Frontline health and social care workers are eligible for both flu and COVID-19 vaccines.
  • All medicines, including vaccines, are tested for safety and effectiveness before they’re allowed to be used.
  • Viruses can spread more quickly in winter. Vaccines offer the best possible protection from flu and COVID-19. 
  • If you are eligible for both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines this winter, they will be given at the same time where possible. Getting both together is safe in delivering maximum protection over the winter months.
  • Evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccine immunity fades and the flu virus changes over time.
  • To help avoid queues outside vaccine centres, please arrive as close to your appointment time as possible.
  • Those who need a vaccinator of a certain sex, or a private space to be vaccinated, can request this at the vaccination clinic.
  • Staff at vaccination clinics will always respect your religious and cultural beliefs.
  • Information about the flu and COVID-19 vaccines is available in a range of other languages at 🔗. A translation service is also available by calling 0800 030 8013.
  • If you require an interpreter for your winter vaccines appointment, support is available from your local Health Board. Don’t let your protection fade this winter. Visit 🔗 for more information.

Further information

COVID-19 & Flu Vaccines Explainer Video
How to book your winter vaccine appointment

This video takes users through each stage of the appointment booking process using the online portal 🔗 .

How to reschedule your winter vaccine appointment online

October 2022 Newsletter


Take our spooky quiz – if you dare…

From fun supernatural facts to movie trivia, these Halloween themed questions will test your knowledge of all things spooky. Look out for a link to the quiz in your emails soon.

Eat, drink and be… scary? Join us for our Halloween event

We will be buying snacks, drinks and food for everyone to come together to enjoy some time together for Halloween. Radhika will email you the date and will be asking for your suggestions on what food and drink would work with the theme. Pictures and social media posts are encouraged 🙂 Use the hashtag #socialcarealba and copy us into the post.

Did you get snapped at our last event? Check out the photo below and also our social media to see if you were snapped!

SCA staff at last event

Welcome to the family
New staff October

Please show our support and give a warm welcome to your new colleagues Euphemia, Anointing, Jeanny, Gladys and Susan.

As the team grows it is important that the people we work with have the same values as us. A great way to ensure values such as compassion, teamwork and reliability is through staff referrals. As a reward we will pay you for every successful referral:

  • £100 for a Personal Assistant
  • £200 for a Senior Personal Assistant
3 steps to referral

3 simple steps

  1. Simply speak to those you know and suggest they apply for job
  2. Post the following two links on your social media
    1. 🔗
    2. 🔗
  3. Collect your reward

Donate to charity

You can also choose to donate your reward to a charity of your choice then we will add another £50 to each donation. Please spread the links across your network and start earning rewards now.

Remember to:

Healthy snacks

We will have a selection of fresh fruit, juice, water, tea and coffee available from the main office. Please take the opportunity to pop in and grab a snack and drink.

Celebrating their birthday in October are:

Birthdays in October

Medication Management as a Care Worker

Following Medication policies and guidelines is not just about the primary purpose of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our clients; it also protects you, providing clear rules to ensure that you are never in doubt about dispensing, storing, recording or disposing of client medication. As a careworker, you should only ever administer medicines that you have been trained to give, and this will likely include assisting your clients to take tablets or oral mixtures, apply creams, ointments or drops, or to administer inhaled medications.

Our mandatory training at Social Care Alba (SCA) provides you with all you need to handle this crucial element of your role, and support is always on hand, where needed, if you are ever in doubt.

Keeping our clients safe

Elderly people – particularly those with dementia-related diseases, may often forget to take medication or be at risk of ‘doubling up’, having forgotten that they have already done so. And in fact, medication can be incredibly confusing for anyone who has been prescribed numerous drug therapies for multiple health issues, with some to be taken before or after food, in the morning, or at night. This is why your role is critical to reducing risk of error – not only through due diligence of our processes, but also by being mindful of clients’ capacity to take their own medication, as a delay or error in self-administering medication could severely impact their health and wellbeing. Our clients and their families should always feel assured that SCA staff are meticulous in their management of medication, and we encourage our staff to communicate changes or concerns, as appropriate.

Dispensing medication

There may, on occasion, be unforeseen problems which arise as a result of medications being missed, for example, when a client is refusing their medication, is sick, or is taken to hospital for emergency treatment.  Any and all issues around dispensing medication should be raised according to our Medication Policy with appropriate health professionals or supervisors timeously. This is a key part of our risk management, and helps to keep our clients safe from unnecessary worry, discomfort or health complications. 

Recording-keeping/medication admin

All medications administered MUST be recorded at the time they are given. Where drugs have not been signed-off as being administered, but the NOMAD pack (if they have one) shows the medication missing, it MUST be escalated immediately. Assumptions cannot be made at any point when it comes to administering treatments. When all staff adhere strictly to the policies provided by SCA, any errors in records can be picked up and addressed, protecting the client, the staff and the organisation. 

Storage of medication

Different types of medication require different types of safe storage. Some may need to be kept in low temperatures, in which case, a safe compartment in the fridge should be retained, if safe and appropriate to do so. Commonly, medications are dispensed by pharmacies in time-specific blister packs, ensuring the patient can take the right medicines at the right time. However, the way in which multiple medications are stored and dispensed will be agreed according to the needs and capacity of each client, and care workers should be careful to maintain consistency, and store medication as agreed.

Disposal of medication

Sometimes, a type of medication may be changed, with the remaining medication needing to be disposed of – usually by being returned to the original dispensing point. Instructions on medication disposal should be followed at all times, and this also applies to biomedical waste such as dressings, sharps or other waste. Should you find that any medication or waste has not been disposed of properly, this must be brought to the attention of the appropriate member of staff as highlighted in our policy. We are all human and can make mistakes, but these are issues which can have devastating consequences if not addressed immediately.

Support is on hand!

We want you to be able to feel confident in managing medication; that’s why – in addition to our training and policies – we have an open door approach within our management team. Be assured that you can ask for guidance and support whenever needed; there is always someone on hand to speak to and discuss any concerns you may have.

For more information please log in to QCS and read: SCM03 – Overarching Medication Policy

August 2022 Newsletter

QCS - Quality Compliance Systems

Every month we will have new topics on QCS for everyone to keep updated with their policies and procedures, this month’s topic is Medication.

Log in to your QCS profile →

We now have our very own Social Care Alba masks!

Pop into the office over the next week to collect yours. There are also polo shirts, jackets, stress balls, flasks, pens, torches and other goodies for those who haven’t already gotten them. Please speak with Nataly about who gets what. 

Remember the office is open from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Please ensure you have collected enough personal protective equipment (PPE) to last you over the weekend.

Let us know

If a service user is not home please call the office and let them know. Writing it in the app is not enough. Other issues we need to know about includes if medication:

  • is no longer required; 
  • or if it needs to be returned to the pharmacy


Don’t forget, there is a £50 bonus for you to spend on your wellbeing. This could include a pampering session, a meal for 2 or to take in a show at the festival. Why don’t you treat yourself today, we only ask that you send Nataly the receipt and a social media post we can share. Please include the hashtag #socialcarealba.

Referral bonus

Remember, if you know someone who would make a great carer then there is a £100 bonus for each successful referral you make!

Remember to:

Healthy snacks

We will have a selection of fresh fruit, juice, water, tea and coffee available from the main office. Please take the opportunity to pop in and grab a snack and drink.

Foodie Friday

We will again be buying snacks, drinks and food for everyone to come together over the course of a Friday to enjoy some time together. Ada and Radhika will email you the date of the next get together and will be asking for your suggestions on what food and drink theme to kick off with. Pictures and social media posts are encouraged 🙂  Use the hashtag #socialcarealba and copy us into the post.

Celebrating in August:

  • Oke 07/08
  • Pietro 07/08
  • Hana 18/08
  • Goodness 29/08

Something special this summer

COVID has meant that we have been restricted doing some of the things we wanted to do for you.  However, now restrictions are being lifted here are some of the things you can enjoy as a BIG THANK YOU from us.

A healthy summer

Starting next week we are providing fresh fruit and drinks Monday to Friday from our office.  It is great to start this again as it was so popular when we did it before.  Please pop in to grab a drink or some fruit

A special treat just for you

We are providing £50 for everyone at SCA to treat themselves to something that will make them feel better.  Now we can mix more, you can spend it on something you really want.  Examples below, but you can be even more adventurous:

  • Haircut and professional shave
  • Getting your nails done, a massage or pedicure
  • Buying an aromatherapy kit
  • Tea for two in a cafe, restaurant or hotel

You can get lots more ideas and great deals here to make your money go even further:

To claim your £50 all you have to do is provide the office with a receipt for the money you spent and write a short positive paragraph on social media about what you did and how it made you feel.  Please use the hashtag #socialcarealba and copy us into the post.

Weekly meals together

Now that the restrictions have been lifted we can start our weekly meals together again.  We will be buying snacks, drinks and food every Friday for everyone to come together over the course of the day to enjoy time together.  Ada and Radhika will email you the date of the next get together and will be asking for your suggestions on what food and drink theme to kick off with.  Pictures and social media posts are encouraged 🙂  hashtag #socialcarealba and copy us into the post.

More to come

This is just a few for the things we are doing, so please GET INVOLVED as we have more to come now we are able to with the lifting of some of the COVID restrictions.


Did you know there is a coffee machine in the office, so save some money and pop in for a drink of real coffee.

February Newsletter

Listen to this newsletter as a podcast instead

Hi Everyone 

Here’s the latest news in 60 seconds. 


As the number of positive cases continues to reduce, restrictions are being lifted.  As of April 1st, all testing is planned to finish.  Exceptions to this will include social care staff and those who are deemed at risk.  This does not mean that COVID has gone, nor does it reduce the importance of immunisation.  Similar to influenza, COVID will continue to mutate and keeping your vaccination status up to date will help protect you from the worst of its effects. 


I would like to welcome all the new staff joining us.  As life starts to get back to normal, I hope we will see more people joining our award-winning team.  Why don’t you take some time to introduce yourself to new staff and welcome them aboard with coffee and a chat. 


Martin is our service user advocate, due to COVID he has been unable to progress as many initiatives as we would have liked.  Now with the lifting of restrictions Martin is keen to get more people access to smart tech via EHSCP.  If you would like to find out more about this please CLICK HERE to see Martins video. 


We would love for you to join us at our Quartermile Office between 1 and 3 pm on Wednesday the 2nd of March. The open day will give you the chance to meet the team as well as join us for drinks and snacks. 

Quartermile 2 on Google Maps
View on Google Maps

The Gift of Care – how Care Work brings its own Rewards

The season for giving and receiving is fast approaching!  So, as part of our campaign to promote careers in care, we think it’s the perfect time to talk about the more personal gifts and rewards of care work.  Of course, working in care can be challenging at times – particularly at Christmas – but what we give to our practice in care can bring its own rewards to both client and care worker, all year round! 

First, here are some of the personal ‘gifts’ that compassionate and attentive care can offer to service users, beyond the practical support we often think of when we consider care work… 

Gifts of Compassionate Care

Gift of Encouragement 

People are more likely to respond positively to the advice given by those they trust and like, and personal assistants often act as a bridge between treatments, family wishes and those of the service user. Through the rapports they build, care staff can gently encourage important positive changes, like following treatments, eating well, or taking light exercise, to improve the wellbeing of those they support. 

Gift of Company 

A study by Age UK suggests that nearly half of adults (7.7 million) aged 55+ have experienced depression. When we feel down, our perceived circle of support diminishes too; we can feel that we have very few people to call on, worsening our sense of isolation. Providing a friendly ear to listen, or a little burst of banter during what is, for a care worker, likely a very busy shift, can lift a person’s spirits and brighten the rest of their day. 

Gift of Dignity 

Dignity, of course, is a right, not a gift – but the fear of losing it can be a huge barrier for many when it comes to receiving care. Ultimately, care staff – from Personal Assistants to Team Leaders – are there to support a person to live as independently as possible, with the dignity and respect that we all have a right to.  However, very often it’s the small things that care workers do through their own compassion that boosts service users’ morale and enables them to reconnect with their sense of place in the world. 

The Rewards of Giving Care

By taking the opportunity to focus on your own self-development and growth, you’re more likely to feel fulfilled in your personal life as well as your professional life. And as a care worker, there is much more to the role than salary and security! Here are some of the more unspoken gifts that care work can bring to those who put their heart into their profession …  

The Gift of Gratitude 

We often complain about personal situations that we feel are unfair or unjust – it’s human nature. Working in social care, however, we are more likely to gain a wider perspective and a sense of admiration for those who stay strong in difficult circumstances, helping us to live with greater gratitude, and deepening our compassion for others. 

The Gift of Learning 

We never stop learning!  And aside from the great training that care staff receive, the act of working with such disparate personalities, and with a myriad of different needs can really help you to become a more practical and switched-on human being!  As you find solutions to everyday problems, and take on many new skills, you’ll also find much of what you learn to be useful and transferable to your personal life. 

The Gift of Giving! 

When we give ‘above and beyond’ our duties in care, it can be transformational; for us, those we support – and for other staff who will emanate you! Psychologically, the greater our investment in something, the more value it has to us on a personal level. In other words, the more we give, the more we care.  And whilst there will be good days and hard days as a care worker, knowing that your kindness and compassion, as well as your time, have made a real difference to someone’s life, can help make it one of the most rewarding professions around! 

November 2021

Listen to this update as a newscast

Christmas – It’s coming to the festive time of year again!

Can you please consider the support you will require over the Christmas and New Year’s period?
We want to make Christmas as special as possible for everyone and would like to support you and your families where possible. If you do not require visits because of family visitors, then please let the office know as soon as possible.

Temperature checking and COVID testing

One of the simplest things you can do is check your temperature to see if you have an infection. Everyone visiting our offices have their facial ID scanned and temperature checked automatically.

Did you know our staff take weekly COVID tests?
If they have been in contact with someone who is confirmed to be positive, then these are done daily. This ensures we keep everyone as safe as possible.

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

Hand Washing – Handwashing is a highly effective way of preventing the spread of infection. Where handwashing is not possible then alcohol-based gels can be used. To learn correct handwashing technique watch this video:

Gloves – Are an important part of your PPE. However, the highest risk comes when you remove your gloves. Here is a simple video showing the correct removal of gloves:

Wearing a mask helps you protect others from infection.
By doing this simple thing we can reduce the risk of Covid and Flu transmission this winter. Watch how to wear a mask correctly:


Did you know door handles, phones and remote controls have more bacteria than a toilet seat?
Can I please ask everyone to clean these and other surfaces with an anti-bacterial cleaner twice a day.

Flu and COVID vaccines

If you haven’t had your flu or COVID vaccination yet, then can I please ask you to follow this up as soon as possible. Having a vaccination could save your life or the lives of others.

As with other vaccinations, a booster can help ensure your resilience to COVID is as high as possible. Everyone working in and being supported by Social Care Alba is entitled to a booster, so please get yours now.

How to access your COVID status

You can access your COVID Status through the free NHS Scotland Covid Status app on a mobile device. You can also download or request a copy of your vaccination status online or by phoning the COVID Status Helpline on 0808 196 8565.

Christmas and New Year Bonus

Many of you will already have received your £500 bonus, with others reaching their 1000-hour totals shortly. In addition, those working Christmas and New Years Day will have an enhanced hourly rate.

Salary Review

With effect from December 1st all care staff will have a minimum hourly rate of £10.02

Lifelong Learning

In the new year Fatou will start her Masters in social work. We will be working with her to make sure she manages her work/study balance.

September 2021

Listen to this newsletter as a podcast instead

It has been an unprecedented time for social care across the UK.  People have been left waiting for ambulances for up to 40 hours due to a lack of paramedics.  As the government requests assistance from the M.O.D, care providers across Edinburgh await a response to their request for support from Edinburgh Council. 

In the absence of a response, we are pulling out all the stops to support existing service users now and over the Autumn and Winter periods.  There are key things you can do to help including: 


Flu Vaccinations 

Influenza kills 25,000 people across the UK every year.  Whether you work for SCA or you or your loved one receives support from us, please consider getting vaccinated.  You are not only protecting yourself but potentially others at risk. 

Covid Vaccinations 

If you haven’t already had both doses of the vaccine, please act now.  If you are house bound contact your G.P for advice, or if you are mobile, please use a drop-in centre.  You can find a list of these here

Covid Boosters 

Just like the Flu Vaccine, those who had their Covid Vaccination earlier in the year will be entitled to a booster.  Whether you work in social care or you or your loved one receives support from us, please consider getting your booster when they are available. 

Herbert Protocol 

You may have seen on the news how the Herbert Protocol is helping safeguard those with dementia.  It is a simple form which gathers useful information on those with Dementia.  In the case of a missing person the completed form can be given to the emergency services and save valuable time in locating them safely.  You will be glad to hear that SCA implemented the protocol last year and continue to keep these updated.

Technology Hub 

Following a successful visit by Martin to the tech hub last month (see video and blogpost below), we are offering referrals to everyone who may be interested in getting more support at home.  Shaz our business manager is contacting the next of kin of those with Dementia as a specialist assessment by the hub to improve their lives.  If you wish to lean more, please call the office and ask for Shaz.

For those who don’t know Martin, you can find out more in Martin’s own words here:

Read more on our blog: Smart Technology to support safe and independent living

Investing in training 

This month we have secured places with the open university for 4 staff to undertake their Leading, Managing and Caring course.  If the review of the course is positive, then a further 4 places will be made available.  If you work for SCA and would like to be considered for the course, please let Shaz know. 

Staff Promotions 

We continue to invest in our staff, and I am delighted that we have been able to offer 3 staff Team Leader positions with SCA.  As part of our commitment to their promotions they will be supported in undertaking the open university Leading, Managing and Caring course. 

Further positions are being created so if you feel the time is right to kick start your career, please let Shaz know. 

Final Thoughts 

I know that day in day out all we hear about is covid and its affect on all of us.  We are all in this together and should feel proud of the way in which we are supporting each other.  My heart goes out to those who have lost someone from covid, and my thanks go to those who are working tirelessly to make sure everyone’s needs are being met.   

Often, we forget that our Team is made up of those you see and those working behind the scenes.  This includes families, office staff, directors and partners, who are there 24/7.  We will get through this, with the support of each other.  Remember, if you need to chat, please contact the office, we are here to listen and do what we can to help you. 

Stephen Wilson, Director