November Newsletter

Flu vaccine

If you haven’t had your flu vaccination yet then can I please ask you to follow this up as soon as possible. Having a vaccination could save your life or the lives of others. Please contact your G.P.


Wearing a mask helps you protect others from infection.
Can I please ask everyone to wear masks during visits. By doing this simple thing we can reduce the risk of Covid and Flu transmission this winter.


Did you know door handles, phones and remote controls have more bacteria than a toilet seat
Can I please ask everyone to clean these and other surfaces with an anti-bacterial cleaner twice a day.

Temperature checking

One of the simplest things you can do is check your temperature to see if you have an infection.
Everyone visiting our offices have their facial ID scanned and temperature checked automatically.  

Download the App

Download the app

If you want to know if you have been put at risk of Covid-19 download the Scottish Governments App.
More than 1.6 million Scots have done so already. Together we can protect each other.


We are now providing staff a picture of the people they will support at each visit.
This is to help with medication administration, if someone is missing or doesn’t answer and when we introduce new staff. If you would like to have a photo of the staff that will visit please let us know.  


We have just about finished moving everyone onto a digital medication recording system.
This means you will no longer see paper medication recording sheets in homes. Instead we can monitor all medications remotely and provide a better level of service.


Did you know all our training is open for you to attend?
We are also keen for you to contribute to staff training. If you would like to learn more or help our staff better understand your needs please get in touch with the office.


We have moved all of our visit notes online.
We would like you or a nominated person from your family to have access. Please get in touch with us to arrange this.


It’s coming to the festive time of year again!

Can everyone please start thinking about what support they will require over the Christmas and New Year’s period. We understand this year will be different from how people normally spend their holidays and would like to support you and your families where possible.

Covid Update #9

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Summer has officially finished, and for a short time we had respite from COVID restrictions. Unfortunately, with a 2nd wave building I fear Winter will be hard for all of us. I wanted to reassure you that we are still fighting it and to update you on some of the changes we have or are making.

1st Wave – A few things we did included:

  • Working from home
  • 3D printing face shields
  • Moving all our recruitment online
  • Opening a dedicated recruitment office
  • Making facemasks and sourcing hand sanitiser
  • Moving all our care and support documents online
  • Keeping you updated online, by phone, email and text

2nd Wave – Some of the things we are doing include:

  • Building a stock of PPE from suppliers
  • 60% of office staff now work from home
  • The remaining 40% have homeworking days
  • Implementing a dedicated fibre line to the office
  • Installing video conferencing facilities in the office
  • Opening training to staff, service users and families
  • Pairing teams to ensure continuity where absences occur
  • Creating new runs and staff teams which improves continuity
  • Moving our office from 1 to 3 rooms to create social distancing
  • Moving to eMAR – electronic medication records by December
  • Encouraging staff, service users and families to get a flu vaccination
  • Sarah our communication lead will send monthly updates to everyone

How you can help?

  • Wash your hands and clean surfaces regularly
  • Get a flu vaccination to protect you and others
  • If you can, wear a face mask to protect each other
  • Our office is open 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday
  • Only call outside of office hours if it is an emergency
  • Please use our Quarter mile office if you want to visit us
  • Please get a mobile, or internet connection so we can video chat with you
Stephen Wilson, Director

Covid Update #8

Covid Update #7

Covid Update #6

Covid Update #5

Covid Update #4

Covid Update #3

Covid Update #2

Covid Update #1