Entries by Stephen Wilson

August 2022 Newsletter

Every month we will have new topics on QCS for everyone to keep updated with their policies and procedures, this month’s topic is Medication. Log in to your QCS profile → We now have our very own Social Care Alba masks! Pop into the office over the next week to collect yours. There are also […]

Happy picnicking!

Making the best of the good weather is even more important for those who may be more mobile on warm days – and who doesn’t love a picnic?

Infection Control: Social Care Alba

It will be no surprise that infection control policies have undergone several changes over the last few years, as our understanding of Covid has progressed. In care-at-home situations, where staff members – and others – are regularly entering clients homes, it is critical that infection control policies are strictly adhered to by staff at all times to reduce the risk of infection.

Adult Support and Protection: Social Care Alba

As a care-at-home provider, Social Care Alba (SCA) has a duty of care towards those we support. This means that everything we do must be in the best interests of our clients across all aspects of their health, safety and wellbeing, and every staff member must follow the rules and regulations set to this aim. However, to ensure that clients’ needs are fully met, care providers are also scrutinised externally.

Good Care Month

This month is #GoodCareMonth – a time to celebrate the amazing work that care staff do each and every day, so we’d like to say a few words from the heart … To our Team: ❤️ For having a smile for every client, from the first person in the morning, to the last person on […]

Laughter is the Best Medicine …

There’s nothing quite like a really good belly laugh that makes your eyes water, to lift the spirits! But laughter has a whole lot more going on, as it’s good for our bodies as well as our minds.

Carers gonna care!

Carers gonna care! But we need to care about ourselves too! Here are some suggestions which can help give you a ‘wee boost’ when you need it most!

SCA Film List for Carers

Caring comes in many guises, so we thought it might be fun to explore some caring themes with our SCA Film List for Carers! Whether you like a good cry, a bit of belly laugh, or simply want to shout ‘That’s not how it’s done!’ at the TV, here’s our mid-week viewing list for a cosy night in. So get the popcorn out and get comfy!