SSSC Codes of Practice

Revised SSSC Codes of Practice launch on 1 May 2024

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers set out the behaviours and values expected of social service workers and their employers. These Codes have now been revised and the updated version will come into effect on 1 May. You can read a text version of the revised Codes here.

What will be different in the revised Codes?

The SSSC have been careful to only make changes where necessary and remove duplication:

Updated wording and a more positive, empowering tone

Refreshed some of the wording which felt outdated. For example, changing ‘people who use services’ to ‘individuals’. Thinking about tone as well as wording. The revised Codes aim to take a more empowering tone and use positive language.

Kindness and compassion

The revised Codes make clearer links to the Health and Social Care Standards, support the commitment to The Promise and more strongly reflect the importance of kindness, compassion and involvement in decision making.

Greater focus on relationships, trauma and risk enablement

The revised Codes reflect the importance of positive relationships as well as maintaining appropriate boundaries. A new Code has been added on working in a way that is informed by an understanding of the impact of trauma.